Мэдээ мэдээлэл


2023-04-20 14:39:16

The trading of export coal of 'Khangad Exploration' LLC has been successfully organized today /2023-04-20/ by the MSE. 

5 companies participated in the auction resulting in a price increase of 12.94% trading of the 2 lots, or a total of 12,800 tons of Semi-soft coking coal.


The next auction will be held on April 21, 2023, at 11:00 am,  "Erdenes Tavantolgoi" JSC's 5 lots /32,000 tons/ of Coking coal with medium volatile matter will be traded.

Click here for the next auction schedule.

Information about the traded coal
Online trading date 2023.04.20
Number of bidders5
Name of the coal seller"KHANGAD EXPLORATION" LLC
Address of the coal sellerCentral tower, 16th floor, 1st khoroo, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 14200, Mongolia
Registration number of the orderKH-23001
Minimum prie, type of currency850 CNY /ton
Transaction price960 CNY /ton
Trade amount12,288,000 CNY
Transaction No.2023.04.20-01
Percentage of price increase12.94%
Traded lots2
Type and classification of coalSemi-soft coking coal
Coal quality specificationAsh (dry,%)  ≤ 9.5%
Volatile matter (dry, ash free basis,%)  28%≤ Volatile ≤37%
Sulfur (dry, %) ≤ 0.85% 
Total moisture (as recieved,%) ≤ 9% 
G index 65≤ G ≤75

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